Diagnosis: Search Engine Deficiency

Apr 26, 2020

Posted by Joe LaMountain

An analysis of 65 top medical societies’ websites shows that they’re being buried by for-profits in search engine results.

Clinicians, and the professional societies that represent them, should be the go-to sources for accurate medical information. But when consumers look for information online, too often search engines direct them to less reliable sources. Search engine optimization (SEO) can change that.

Reingold’s digital marketing team analyzed how the websites of 65 leading medical societies rank in search engines, where top positions can yield millions of monthly website visits. The resulting report shows that an overwhelming majority of medical societies are outranked by for-profit organizations — even in searches of health conditions that the societies’ members diagnose and treat.

The analysis also shows that medical societies’ limited use of SEO best practices is a major reason for their low rankings — highlighting a prime opportunity for improving search engine visibility and driving traffic growth. The report highlights two medical society websites that provide a model for others to use in growing their traffic through SEO and boosting the value of membership.

Get the insights. Discover:

  • The issue: How the websites of 65 top medical societies rank in search engine results compared with their competition.
  • The solution: SEO strategies that can boost traffic and drive prospective patients directly to medical society members.
  • The challenge: The large percentage of medical societies that aren’t using those SEO best practices.
  • The model: A model for website development that medical societies can use to increase site traffic and to promote their members.


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