We develop and implement issue advocacy campaigns to amplify our clients’ voices in Washington and state capitals; member mobilization campaigns to increase participation in organizations’ programs; and national public awareness campaigns to educate consumers and patients about policies that affect them. We specialize in:
Recruiting Advocates: In less than four months, Reingold recruited 39,349 new advocates — among underrepresented demographic groups in key states and congressional districts — for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.
Mobilizing Supporters: Reingold worked with a major medical association to generate more than 100,000 public comments in the Federal Register favoring our client’s position on a regulatory issue.
Framing and Messaging: Reingold developed messaging, adopted by the American Society of Anesthesiologists in 2013, that fundamentally changed the debate on anesthesia care, helping to prevent adverse state and federal policy changes.
Strategic Planning: Reingold has developed sophisticated communications plans that integrate tactics to deliver seamless implementation and maximum impact for dozens of organizations, including the National Apartment Association Education Institute and the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Vice President
Vice President
Senior Account Director